Wantage Township

Author: Editor

  • Business Directory

    If you are the owner of a registered business located in Wantage and would like to be included in the business directory, please contact us. To be listed on the Directory, the business must be located in Wantage and the business must be registered at Town Hall.

  • Organization Update

    If you noticed the information on your organization’s listing is no longer accurate, please let us know.

  • Submit Your Event

    Does your organization have an event that you’d like listed on the Wantage website? Send us the information! Please fill out as many fields as possible so the event listing will feature all the needed information. Note on providing flyers, posters, or event images: We are vigilant with accessibility. Everyone must be able to access…

  • Citizen Leadership

    Interested in serving our community?  The Township is always looking for volunteers to serve on our committees, commissions, and boards … and there is always the need for extra hands for events and special projects! You may have that special talent/knowledge/experience that we need!