Wantage Township

Submit a Wantage Organization

If your organization is based in Wantage or benefits the Wantage community, it may be eligible to be listed on the Wantage Community Organizations page. Your organization must be a non-profit or not-for-profit group.

If your organization is listed, it qualifies to submit organization events to be listed on the Wantage events page.

Submit Your Organization

Organizations must be located in Wantage or benefit the Wantage community.

When do you hold meetings? (Day of the month.)
Time of Meetings
What time are your meetings?
Where are your meetings held?
Where can people learn more about your group?
How to contact your organization by email
How to contact your organization by phone
Enter any additional information about your organization that you would like us to know, such as how your group benefits Wantage and/or its residents.

Organization's Contact Information

This information is for our records, NOT for publication on website.